To call other physicians in AgordiaMD follow below steps:

  1. Launch AgordiaMD & login into the app.
  2. From tab bar open Physician Search .
  3. Search for specific name e.g. JOHN DOE or specialty e.g. Surgery or NPI e.g 100300XXXX
  4. The search results will bring a card having a call icon over the billboard image
  5. Tap on the call icon .
  6. The user will be presented to choose a number from multiple numbers if the physician has added, if not then it will just show up a single number with CALL button over.
  7. Tap on the Call button.
  8. The user will be redirected to the native phone dialer.

Note: User can also call another physician by opening Roster & tapping on physician name & selecting the call icon from third-person view.