To view commendation in AgordiaMD follow below steps:

  1. Launch the AgordiaMD.
  2. Tap Physician Search icon from tab bar & search for a physician whose commendation you want to view.
  3. In the search results, a TPV(third-person view) card is shown.
  4. If the user has no commendation then it will show “No commendations yet”.
  5. If the user has some existing commendation there should be carousel shown at the bottom part of the card describing the physician name in a bubble along with its description, this carousel also shows the commendations text.
  6. Tap on more option on the commendation carousel, it should open a pop-up & tap on “View more commendation”.
  7. It will show the list of commendations.

     Note: -

  • From Roster screen if we tap on physician name & follow above steps then too, we can view commendation.
  • To view commendation user should be at least RED subscribed.